
Showing posts from February, 2020

what is RAM used for

What is (RAM) and What Does It Do? Not certain exactly what computer memory is for or how it works? Find out under why computer memory is required to run your computer and what it does.   What is computer memory (RAM)? Computer memory or random access memory (RAM) is your system’s small-term data loading; it stores the information your computer is actively using so that it can be opened fast. The more programs your system is successively, the extra What is RAM used for? RAM allows your computer to perform several of its normal tasks, such as loading uses, browsing the internet, editing a spreadsheet, or feeling the latest game. Memory also allows you to switch quickly between these tasks, memory where you are in one task when you switch to extra task. As a rule, the more memory you have, the improved. When you turn on your computer and open a database to edit it, but first check your email, you’ll have used memory in some changed ways. Memory is used to load and run r

Computer basics

                        How to learn computer There is a portion you can do with a computer, and if you are just getting started it can look beautiful daunting. Fortunately, computers have become easy over the years, and you can be up and running in just a few minutes. Starting setting up your new computer to carefully looking the internet and installing your favorite programs, see the leaders posted below to start using your computer like a professional. 1 Set up your computer .  If you are situation up a new desktop computer, there are a tiny steps you will need to go done before you can start using it. After finding a place nearby your desk to put the keep, you will need to connect your monitor, keyboard, and mouse etc, as well as plug the keep into a power font. 1      These are the only things required to be related to the computer in instruction to use it. You can add more peripherals and decorations later. 2      If you are  using a new laptop  or computer