Computer basics


 How to learn computer

Image result for basics of computer picThere is a portion you can do with a computer, and if you are just getting started it can look beautiful daunting. Fortunately, computers have become easy over the years, and you can be up and running in just a few minutes. Starting setting up your new computer to carefully looking the internet and installing your favorite programs, see the leaders posted below to start using your computer like a professional.

1 Set up your computer. If you are situation up a new desktop computer, there are a tiny steps you will need to go done before you can start using it. After finding a place nearby your desk to put the keep, you will need to connect your monitor, keyboard, and mouse etc, as well as plug the keep into a power font.
Image result for setup computer pic1     These are the only things required to be related to the computer in instruction to use it. You can add more peripherals and decorations later.
2     If you are using a new laptop or computer, you will have meaningfully less to set up. Plug your laptop or computer into a power source to certify that it is emotional, and then power it on to start.

Image result for user account computer pics
2 Make a user account. If you are using the computer for the first time, you will likely be asked to make a user account when you turn it on. In this account will hold all of your documents or data, pictures, downloaded files, and any other files that you make.
  1. If your computer is in a open setting, you should make a strong password to protect your personal information or data. This is highly suggested, even if your computer is a family computer (To prevent someone from accessing your files).
  2. How to make a new user account in Windows 7
  3. How to make a new user account in Windows 8
  4. How to make a new user account in OS X
Image result for Become familiar with the desktop 
3 Become familiar with the desktop. The desktop is the main work part of your computer, and will likely be the maximum visited area of your computer. Your desktop looks every time you log into your account, and contains images and shortcuts to your most used programs and files. The desktop will look and meaning differently depending on which working system you use.
·         Windows operating systems (except Windows 8) are considered by the Start menu in the lower-left corner of the desktop. The Start menu allows you to fast access your installed programs and settings.
·         Windows 8 has changed the Start menu with the Start screen. It functions much the same way, but is basically different in the way it displays data.
·         OS X allows you to use many desktops to keep things organized and under control. See this guide for details on how to take benefit of multiple desktops
Image result for Study mouse and keyboard basics

4 Study mouse and keyboard basics. The mouse and keyboard are your primary means of relating with your computer. Take some time to get familiar with how they work and how you can relate with your operating system and programs.
1.     Learn how to use a mouse to navigate. Your mouse allows for identify navigation and control, and is required for a wide change of activities. Getting familiar with how to use the mouse will go a long way towards making you a more capable computer user.
Image result for Study mouse and keyboard basics2.     Practice some keyboard shortcuts to improve your work flow. Keyboard shortcuts are mixtures of keyboard keys that perform a function in the program or operating system you are using. For example, in maximum programs that allow saving files, pressing Ctrl+S ( Cmd+S on a Mac) will automatically save your recent file.

Image result for preinstalled applications pic5 Introduction some preinstalled applications. Even if you made your computer yourself, there will be some preinstalled applications and functions that you can use without having to install anything additional. If you are using Windows, click the Start menu and look done your available programs. If you are using a Mac, check your Berth and Applications folder.
Image result for Install your original program.
6 Install your original program. Installing software is a very common task on a computer, no substance what kind of computer you are using. The process is frequently very frank, as most installers give clear orders for each step.
1.     Installing Microsoft Office is a good place to start if you are spending a Windows computer. Having access to a word processor is precious, and is one of the main drives of many people's computers. Many Windows computers come with a trial type of Office already installed.
2.     Installing software on a Mac is a little while different than installing on a Windows PC. This is mostly due to the basic construction of the Mac operating system. Many Mac users find installing and management programs much easier on OS X instead of Windows.
 Image result for Select files and textImage result for Select files and text
1 Select files and text. You can use your mouse or keyboard and shortcuts to select files on your computer and text on documents and website. Click and effort the mouse across the text you need to select, or press Ctrl+A (PC) or  Cmd+A (Mac) to select all in your current location. Once you've selected files or text, there are some different actions you can take.

Image result for Copy and paste2 Copy and paste. Copying and pasting is one of the greatest common actions taken when choosing text or files etc. "Copying" a file or text leaves the original together, while making a copy on your computer's clipboard. You can then "Paste" the file or text away.
v  For PC, copy by pressing Ctrl+C and paste by pressing Ctrl+V. You can also copy and paste through right-clicking on the selection with your mouse and picking the proper option from the menu.
Image result for Copy and pastev  For Mac, Copy by insistent  Cmd+C and paste by pressing  Cmd+V. You can also copy and paste by right-clicking on the collection with your mouse and choosing the correct option from the menu.
Image result for Save and open files3 Save and open files. Several programs such as word processors, photo editors, and extra allow you to make and save documents and files. When employed on a computer, it is wise to save often. You never know when the control might go out, costing you hours of unsaved work. Get in the custom of saving often, and if you are creation major reviews to a file it might be wise to make a new copy. You can fast save your work in most programs that allow saving by pressing Ctrl+S (PC) or  Cmd+S (Mac).
1.     If you have a lot of important files on your computer, study setting up a backup system. This will confirm that you have at least one extra copy of all your main files should something happen to your computer. Windows and Mac OS X both have backup systems made into the operating system.

4 Discovery and sort your files. As you use your computer extra and more, your personal group of documents, media, and files may start to get a moment out of control. Take some time and shape your personal folders. You can create new folders to help make a directory of easily-accessible information.
Image result for Set up a connection
 Set up a connection. In order to connect to the internet, your computer will want to have access to an internet linking. This may come in the form of a wireless network, or you may want to connect your computer directly to your network's router or modem. All of this depends on how the network at your place is arranged, and the skills of your computer.
·         Join your computer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network. If your home, office, or school has a wireless network set up, you can use your computer to join to it. Most laptops can connect to a wireless network without any worry, but some desktops will want to have a wireless network card installed.
·         A wired network linking can be faster and more stable. If your computer is actually close to your internet access point (router or modem), you might want to consider using an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to the network. This is much more practical with a desktop, since they are typically immobile. A wired joining will not experience interference like wireless network might, and transmission speeds are much faster.
Open a web browser. The web browser is the software that agrees you to view webpages, watch online videos, download files, and do essentially everything else internet-related. Every computers come with a browser installed by avoidance (Internet 
Traveler on Windows, Safari on Mac, and Firefox on Linux), but there are several popular alternative options.
Image result for Open a web browser
1.     Google Chrome is one of the most popular alternative browsers available, and allows you to connect and sync with your Google account. Chrome is available for free from Google.
2.     Firefox is another very popular free browser. It is very customizable and covers a lot of powerful security options

Image result for Install an antivirus3 Install an antivirus. Before traveling the internet, it would be wise to install an antivirus program. These programs keep your computer from viruses and other mean software, and are almost required when connecting to the internet. Most computers come with test antivirus software installed, but there are plenty of powerful free replacements

4 Browse safely when online. There is a lot of corrupt stuff on the internet, so be sure to stay safe though browsing. This means avoiding giving out personal data, only downloading from important sources, and steering clear of viruses, scams, and other illegal and dangerous movement.

Image result for email icon5 Send an email. Emailing is one of the most common methods of communication these days, and knowing how to send an email is now an important computer skill. You can set up a free email account with a change of different services, and can be combining an email in just a few minutes.

6 Download a file. The internet is block full of different natures of files that you can download to your computer. Current types of files contain images, music, and programs. There are thousands of places to find files to download, and a change of different ways to do so.
 Image result for Download a file


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